|| Redeyehack ||
:ic-149:बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; इस नए साल को गले लगाये! करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुका के; इस साल के सारे सपने पूरे हो आपके! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!

मंगलवार, 22 नवंबर 2011

Meeting is Fixed on 28th November[22-nov-2011]

Meeting is Fixed on 28th November because Mr. Lohati ji is not available in delhi he is going out for some other case… So why are you all creating a panic dear… Maintain Patience This 28th was prefixed by Mr. Lohati and 21st was given by supreme court without knowledge of Mr. Lohati…
So leave your all tensions and make a wish for 28th Novemeber.. ‎28th November 04.00 PM is Fixed date dont wory :)
Speak Asia Zindabad

Meeting is Fixed on 28th November

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