|| Redeyehack ||
:ic-149:बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; इस नए साल को गले लगाये! करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुका के; इस साल के सारे सपने पूरे हो आपके! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!

गुरुवार, 22 सितंबर 2011

Speak Asia: RBI will have no problem in clearing the company business model

Thursday 22 September 2011

Speak Asia: RBI will have no problem in clearing the company business model

We were all greeted with the good news from the company through the official blog spot www.paisaworld.tk. It was good to know that the RBI has eventually given SAOL the opportunity to present to them the Speakasia business module. I am 100% sure that when the company officials return before the RBI within two weeks the RBI will have no problem in clearing the company business model.

There was the Association PIL which was scheduled today in the Mumbai High Court.

As there was a new bench due to the elevation of Hon. Ms. Ranjana Desai to the Supreme Court the court seemed to want some time to understand the case which is a good sign and shows that the Hon. Judge wants to give us a square chance to explain our case. Due to the upcoming Puja Holidays the case is now adjourned to 12th October, 2011 which again is a good date as it will now be heard after the Supreme Court matter which is slated for 10th October, 2011.

All panelists have to understand and realize that in such a surcharged atmosphere even the matter not going against us is a positive sign.

Have Patience

Proud to be a Speakasian
 खबर  सह  सचिव निमी  खाम्भोज  AISPA द्वारा प्रस्तुति अनिल कालवानी

Good News - SpeakAsia Updates

Good News - SpeakAsia Updates

Dear SpeakAsians,
As you all are aware that at this point of time EOW has access to all servers of SpeakAsia due to which we are neither getting any survey nor any information/communication from the SpeakAsia Management.
To fight this, SpeakAsia Management has created its own blog in order to provide all updates and re-establish the broken communication channel.
Please विसित for any and every communication from SpeakAsia Management.
This blog will be the official blog of SpeakAsia and is being managed by SpeakAsia management only.
SpeakAsia management will speak to every single panelist through this blog only, until they get the server access back.
Do notify this to every single team members of yours and spread the word.