Dear PaisaWorld viewers,
The much awaited mediation meeting under the chairmanship of honorable retd. chief justice started today at the mediation center in New Delhi.
As per the news which we got from the officials of the SAOL, Mr. R. C. Lahoti had listened all points carefully and issued further notices to all concerned departments. Advocate Mr. Rajiv from panelists side, Adovocate Mr. Abdi from the Company side and advocates from RBI only were present there. No other department officials were present there. All the advocates of SAOL are satisfied from todays proceedings and outcome of todays meeting. All other departments got notices from Mr. Lahoti.
The meeting is not yet concluded and will be continued for some more sessions in couple of days. As and when we'll get the update of the meeting we'll keep you all posted.
Lets fight together till we win. Proud to be Speak Asian ! ! !
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