|| Redeyehack ||
:ic-149:बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; इस नए साल को गले लगाये! करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुका के; इस साल के सारे सपने पूरे हो आपके! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!

सोमवार, 28 नवंबर 2011

EOW picked up two panelists[28-11-11]

We got this post in our comment box,
“EOW had picked up two panelists Mr. Machinder Waykar and Mr. Samuel today …..
We want to Inform with a Big Smile that They Both have been Released Out :)

The question is:
Why they arrested???
After some time why they release those two panelists???
I hope victory is very near,…
Jai SpeakAsia

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