|| Redeyehack ||
:ic-149:बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए; इस नए साल को गले लगाये! करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुका के; इस साल के सारे सपने पूरे हो आपके! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!

बुधवार, 21 सितंबर 2011

SpeakAsia CEO letter to Speakasians

Dear पैसवोर्ल्ड  viewers,
Kindly go through the official letter of the global chair person of SAOL Ms. Haren Kaur and the CEO Mr. Manoj Kumar
Friends ! as per the letter things are in our favor and the victory is very near. 
Further on 21/09/2011, the hearing of Bombay high court is scheduled and we pray to God that some clarity comes out of the court room. 
Lets stay together during bad time to enjoy a better lifestyle tomorrow. 

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